
What You Need To Know About Hypertrophy Training

Building muscle size takes time, consistency and hard work. Tarek’s program is designed to help you achieve maximum muscle growth through scientifically backed training methods and proven hypertrophy training techniques, including high volume training, progressive overload, and time under tension.

Examples Of The Training Approach

– Choosing the best exercises based on electromyographical (EMG) research studies results and also based on individual strength ability
–  Applying high volume for poorly responding muscle groups
– Focusing on repetition duration which represents the sum of the concentric, eccentric and isometric components. Doing so by assigning repetition tempo that is aligned with the purpose of the exercise and the individual’s goals
– How to apply advanced training practices such as eccentric overload training, drop sets, supersets and pre-exhaustion

Testing Chest Exercises Using IEMGmax
Percent Responders Vs Number of Sets

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